Makeup Review Tips

Frightened of writing? Don't be! Here are some makeup review tips if you find yourself tongue-tied (or type-tied) when you try to write.

  1. Start with the most important information. If someone's searching for a makeup review, she wants to know a few things right off the bat:
    • What the item is, exactly. A powder? A compact? A brush kit? Cut through the adspeak and say what it's like.
    • What colors it comes in.
    • How it's applied, and if the applicator comes with it.
    • If it's worth the money. Think of this as your "thesis statement" for the rest of the essay. Explain why the product is or isn't worth it, using examples, your own experience and the experiences of others.
    Get these four things out of the way, and then move on to...
  2. Answer the question: "Is this any good?" Unless the product is awful, start with its good points, and then describe the drawbacks.
  3. Describe. If this is your least favorite product, describe why that's so. Did it dry out your skin? Did it flake off after five minutes? Did you get an eye infection? If this is your most favorite product, tell us why. Maybe it's extra long lasting, it flatters your complexion or makes you look ten years younger. Whatever it is, the reader wants to know!
  4. Don't sweat the small stuff. We won't discount your submission if you make the odd spelling mistake, or slip up on your grammar. We make too many of those mistakes to be high and mighty about it!

    If English isn't your first language, let us know if you'd like us to edit your review. We'd be happy to do so. But do try your best; if u typ lik dis & dont evn maek sense, expect no mercy. Lol!

Please note: I know that some men wear makeup, but the vast majority of makeup buyers are women. Hence the female pronoun.

Now, return to our makeup reviews page or use the form here:

Have A Great Makeup Story to Tell?

Ever bought the foundation from hell? Has your favorite makeup brand released the worst lipstick in the history of everything? And what miraculous substance (besides your natural charm, of course) keeps you looking gorgeous, day in and day out?

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